Saturday, September 13, 2014


Yaoundé| Cornelius Ahmadou Baya, a 36 year old Law student at the Catholic University of Central Africa, has stemmed controversy in his local town as the man of Catholic faith has auctioned his virginity to the highest bidder in hope of repaying his student loans. The young man wasn’t aware he would stir such commotion in his community when he decided yesterday to put a price on his first $exual experience. “I received hundreds of hate mails instantly. People of Catholic faith really took the news badly, I was deeply surprised” explained the future lawyer. “One man even threatened he would steal my virginity before I could sell it away” he adds. This prompted the man to ask local law enforcement for help, but local authorities didn’t take the demand seriously. “I just asked them to protect me while I’m still a virgin and until someone makes me an offer” he recalls, “but they refused to do anything”.
Local Law Enforcement refused to protect the man victim of threats and harassment Although most messages addressed to the student we’re of a controversial nature, Cornelius admits he did receive a few generous offers. “One man was ready to offer me 250,000$, but that seemed a bit low” he comments. 250,000$ in Central African CFA Francs is worth approximately 500$ US as of today, a sum Mr Baya claims is way too small to cover his student fees at his University. “I hope to give half of my earnings to charity, I would love to give back to my community by instituting a student grant for future Law students at my University” he explains. Cornelius also admits he has no preference as to the $ex of the bidder. “It is all for a good cause, I don’t want to discriminate by gender and cut my chances in half of finding someone that will appreciate this moment of intimacy with me” Asked about how his Catholic faith contrasts with this highly unconventional proposal, the young man did not seem to be offset at all. “God gave me this body to do what I feel is proper with it. I do not think I am disgracing myself in front of God. God loves all his children. If Jesus was alive today, I am sure he would be very comprehensive about the whole matter” he adds with a great smile. You might also like:

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